Best High Chair for BLW

by | Apr 24, 2023

This post is sponsored by Tripp Trapp from Stokke and may contain affiliate links.  All opinions are my own. 

Whether you’ve decided to go the baby-led weaning (blw), puree, or combination route, selecting a high chair that supports your baby’s feeding journey can feel overwhelming – considering there are so many to choose from.

As a Registered Dietitian, an expert in feeding infants and children, and a mom myself, I’ve done the research for you.  And you better believe when it comes to high chairs, my standards are pretty high.

In this post, I’ll be sharing features to consider when selecting a high chair, when baby can sit in high chair, and the best high chair for blw, purees, or a combination of both – the choice is up to you!

The Best High Chair for BLW

Or really any feeding approach that is.  You should know that you don’t have to pick sides between blw or traditional purees.  Choose a feeding approach that works best for you, your baby, and the environment you’re in, and try to be flexible.

When it comes to providing a safe and positive mealtime experience for your baby, finding a high chair that allows them to eat at the table with the whole family is really important, and not all high chairs make that easy.  

I love the Tripp Trapp for this exact reason, plus it grows with them so they can continue to be safely supported at the table with the rest of the family.

With the hundreds of high chairs on the market, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.  I’ve broken it down into five important high chair feature categories to make it easier when selecting the best high chair for blw, purees, or both!

Must-Have High Chair Features

  • Safety
  • Easy to clean
  • Adjustable 
  • Longevity
  • Stylish (not required, but optional)

Let’s break down each feature and why it’s important to have in your high chair. 


Safest high chair for infants

Safety is always the number one priority when it comes to any product for your baby, toddler, or child.  

When it comes to safety and your baby’s high chair, they may be a few things that you didn’t even think about.

Safety Features to Consider

Five-point harness – this allows your baby to safely be strapped into their high chair.  Don’t forget to always use the crotch strap to prevent your baby from slipping through.

Wide base – this ensures that the high chair is stable and does not easily tip over.  Consider a high chair with metal or wood joints 

Locking wheels – being able to easily move your high chair around is a nice feature, but it can quickly become unsafe.  If your high chair comes with wheels make sure that they have the ability to lock.

Safety During Feeding

Owning a safe high chair is important, but that safety should be carried out throughout the entire mealtime process.  Here are a few things to keep in mind during mealtimes:

  • Always strap your baby into the high chair, even if it’s just for a quick snack.
  • Never leave your baby unattended, even to change over the laundry really quickly.

Always make sure to research your preferred high chair prior to purchasing.  Look for recalls, read reviews, and consider any certifications.

The Tripp Trapp is an easy choice because it’s certified by JPMA (Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association) and meets/exceeds all ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials) safety standards.  

Easy to Clean

Easy to clean high chair

It’s no surprise that mealtimes can get messy. Unfortunately, there’s no way around at least some mess.  Messy high chairs are the perfect environment for bacteria and fungus to grow too!

That’s why having a high chair that’s easy to clean is essential.  Anything to help make mealtimes easier, less stressful, and allows you to spend more time.

The Tripp Trapp is one of the easiest high chairs to clean because its simplistic design doesn’t allow for food to get lost in any nooks or crannies.  With no fabric, it’s really to wipe down.  If you’d like, you can purchase a Baby, Classic, or Junior Cushion for more comfort.


Adjustable foot plate for high chair

As a feeding expert, one of the biggest mistakes I see parents make when it comes to purchasing a high chair for their baby is selecting a high chair that doesn’t adjust.

The main question I ask myself when reviewing a high chair is: 

Does it have an adjustable footrest?

Can you imagine eating every meal with your feet suspended in the air?  It’s not very comfortable, nor is it supportive.

I also like to see a high chair that has an adjustable seat so the tray of the high chair or table can be at the appropriate height; mid-chest range.

Ensuring your baby or child has support in their high chair or chair while eating, plays a critical role in their ability to pay attention at mealtimes and safely eat. 

When setting your baby or child up for a supportive posture at mealtimes, follow the 90, 90, 90 rule.

90 90 90 Rule: Hips, knees, and ankles bent at a 90-degree angle.

This may be difficult with infants since they’re still developing fine and large motor skills (how they move their body and limbs), but providing a supportive high chair that adjusts to their body from the get-go can help.

That’s why the Tripp Trapp is the best wooden high chair 


Grow with you high chair

High chairs tend to be a big ticket purchase for parents, so why not make it last?  

I recommend purchasing or registering for a high chair that grows with your child so that it not only supports your baby during mealtimes but also helps provide correct seating posture and support as they age. 

The Tripp Trapp is the chair that grows with your child; from newborn to even adulthood if you choose.


While this feature isn’t required, it’s definitely something I greatly appreciate.  I can’t quite put my finger on it, nor find the words to describe it, but there’s just something about having aesthetically pleasing baby products, such as a high chair.  It just makes my heart happy.   

Gone are the days when baby products only come in pastels and tacky cartoon characters – thank goodness!  

Baby products have come a long way in their style and design, but the Tripp Trapp has always been a classic option that complements almost any interior design style with over ten different colors to choose from.

The Tripp Trapp High Chair Review

The Tripp Trapp was designed by Peter Opsvik in 1972 and since then it has become one of the most popular and best wooden high chairs to this day.  

Not only is the Tripp Trapp the chair that grows with your child, but It also fits right up to your dining table, which allows your baby to be involved with one of the most important parts of the day: mealtime!

Why the Tripp Trapp is the Best Wooden High Chair

best wooden high chair
  • Brings your baby to the dinner table and closer to the family
  • Grows with your child 
  • Adjustable seat and foot plate
  • Wipes clean with a damp cloth
  • Durable 
  • Variety of colors and accessories
  • Compliments most interior design styles

Take Aways

When it comes to providing a safe and positive mealtime experience for your baby, finding a high chair that allows them to eat at the table with the whole family is really important, and not all high chairs make that easy.  

When it comes to safety, make sure your high chair has a five-point harness, wide base, and locking wheels. 

High chairs are breeding grounds for bacteria and fungus, so choose a high chair that’s easy to clean, for your sanity and your baby’s health.

One of the biggest mistakes parents make when purchasing a high chair is buying one without an adjustable seat or footplate.  This is such an important feature for your baby to be ergonomically supported during mealtimes.

High chairs aren’t cheap, and they should last you more than a year.  Choose a high chair that grows with your child so you get the best bang for your buck.

I don’t know about you, but a stylish high chair that goes with my interior design style is definitely something I appreciate.

If you don’t want to sift through the hundreds of high chair options on the market, I recommend saving your time and getting the Tripp Trapp.  As a feeding expert, it meets all my requirements and the best part is that it grows with your child. 

Hi! I'm Alex Turnbull. I'm a registered dietitian specializing in introducing solids and picky eating. Most importantly, I'm a mom of two so I get how stressful feeding kids can be.

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